Are you affected by Sick Building Syndrome?
Problem, cause and effect
You might have heard of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS also known as Tight Building Syndrome) and thought it was a made-up term. However, SBS is very real and can have a significant impact on people within any workplace.
What is Sick Building Syndrome?
It is the effect of a poorly maintained working environment on staff within the building. This is very common in open-plan offices but can occur in any building. Key indicators that an environment is suffering from Sick Building Syndrome include staff experiencing headaches and breathing problems.
What are the causes?
Poor ventilation within an office is commonly linked to Sick Building Syndrome. This is partly due to poorly maintained air conditioning systems which affects air quality. Poorly maintained air conditioning units can spread dust, dirt and disease, therefore it is extremely important this is investigated.
Effects of Sick Building Syndrome?
Are your staff complaining about headaches and feeling unwell frequently? This could suggest your building is suffering from poor ventilation. Headaches and breathing problems are two main symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome and lead to higher staff absences, lower morale and motivation. Other symptoms can include dry or itchy skin, tiredness and a blocked or runny nose. These symptoms have a knock-on effect on staff turnover.
How to prevent Sick Building Syndrome
Do you regularly get your air conditioning unit serviced? Have you ever looked at the filters?
If the answer is no, then it’s time to call B-DACS.
For air conditioning systems to operate at their optimum level, regular air conditioning maintenance is required.
B-DACS give air con systems a full health check and clean the unit to ensure all components’ energy efficiency is higher than it should be. A properly maintained air conditioning unit can help reduce the spread of germs in the air and make the working environment feel fresher and less stuffy.

Not having your system cleaned and operating efficiently costs more money in energy, staff sickness and retention, not to mention being extremely bad for the environment.
Everything these days is about keeping healthy and working in an environment with poor air quality results in unhealthy staff and low productivity.
Let B-DACS look at your air conditioning system and give it a clean bill of health. We also offer monthly payments to suit your budget, giving you peace of mind that every six months your system will be getting checked and cleaned.
If you think you could benefit from an air conditioning visit from B-DACS, please call us on 0141 773 3355 or use our enquiry form.