Bah Humbug! Why B-DACS Aren’t Sending Christmas Cards This Year
Instead of sending Christmas cards this year, we have decided to donate £150 to support the Beatson Oncology Centre.
Situated within Glasgow’s Gartnavel Campus and serving the population of the West of Scotland, it is the leading centre for the delivery of non-surgical cancer care for this area and is the second largest Cancer Treatment Unit in the UK. The Beatson provides a wide-ranging and diversified service from a multi-disciplinary team of staff and carries out clinical and laboratory research into causes of and treatments for cancer.
Many of our family and friends have attended the centre for treatment and the nursing staff there are wonderful. We know that every penny raised goes into treating patients directly or researching new treatments for cancer.
In our lives, I am sure we all know or have known someone with cancer, so we wanted to do something worthwhile at Christmas this year. The Beatson runs many events for patients in the centre, which is very important and helps them through their treatment, but unfortunately costs money to maintain.
Everyone we have approached has said the donation is a fantastic idea. Christmas cards just get recycled after the holidays but the money donated to the charity will have a lasting effect on someone’s life.
You can donate by:
Phone: 0141 301 7694
Text: Send BOCF11 to 70070
Cheque: Payable to: Beatson Oncology Centre Fund
Sent to: Dr Gerry Robertson,
1st Floor Tom Wheldon Building,
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre,
1053 Great Western Road,
Glasgow, G12 0YN.