How to Keep Your House Cool This Summer
As soon as the weather gets warm, people start wishing they had air conditioning in their homes.
After all, it’s found everywhere else.
Virtually all public buildings now have air conditioning, including shops, offices, gyms, hospitals, hotels and universities.
Without cooling, homes can be hot, stuffy and uncomfortable. It’s manageable for a few days but any longer and it becomes a problem.
It’s important that your home is prepared for the summer but which cooling option is best for you?
Do You Need Home Air Conditioning?
Not everyone needs air conditioning.
In Scotland, where the climate is mild (to say the least), most homes are comfortable throughout the year. Extreme heat only comes around occasionally and, for the most part, it’s manageable.
However, some homes do get consistently hot in the summer and it can become unbearable.
It’s also common for properties to have areas that are warmer than others, which can cause real problems in key spaces like bedrooms and conservatories.
If your bedroom is too hot, it can affect your sleeping patterns and even your health. In general, overheating makes you unproductive and unable to go about your daily activities.
Overheating can have more serious consequences for vulnerable people, including babies and elderly people. Those with hay fever might find it difficult to open doors and windows to keep cool.
Whether or not you need air conditioning is down to how uncomfortable you find your home in the summer, and how long it stays like that.
If you haven’t done so already, try the following before buying any cooling equipment:
- Opening windows
- Closing curtains and blinds to give shade
- Turning appliances off when not in use
- Wearing lighter clothing
How Can You Keep Your House Cool in Summer?
Apart from fixed air conditioning, there are a few different options for keeping your house cool in the summer.
With each one, you should avoid going for the cheapest products and they simply aren’t effective.
Portable Fans
- Fans don’t cool the air, they only circulate it
- Fan motors generate heat, so can actually warm the room
- Most effective when placed by windows and moving cool air into the room
Air Coolers
- Air coolers are cheaper but much less effective than air conditioners
- Cool warm air using a water tank, so don’t require ventilation or refrigerant
Portable Air Conditioning Units
- Noisy compared to fixed air conditioning
- Despite the name, they’re heavy and very difficult to move around
- Need to be vented outside, normally by leaving the hose through an open window
- Can be hired on a flexible basis, which makes them a good short term solution
- Less efficient and consume more energy than fixed air conditioning
Why is Fixed Air Conditioning the Best Solution for Many Homes?
While fixed air conditioning costs more to install than other solutions, it’s the most effective way to cool your house or individual rooms.
If overheating is a long-standing problem, it’s the only option that will really solve it.
Fixed air conditioning systems need to be installed and maintained by an F-Gas certified installer. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
By taking this route, you’re guaranteed to end up with properly sized units that quickly and efficiently cool your home.
You can get simple wall-mounted systems for individual rooms or central air conditioning for a whole house. Depending on the system, it can be installed with little disruption in just 1-2 days.
Fixed Air Conditioning
- Most models rated at least A for energy efficiency
- Guaranteed to be correctly sized and installed
- Features whisper quiet technology, with additional silent mode
- Cool faster and more effectively than alternative methods
- Aesthetic designs, such as the Mitsubishi Electric Zen (pictured above) and LG ArtCool ranges
- Advanced controllers, which can be operated through smartphone apps
- Provide main or backup heating during the winter
- Higher upfront costs than other forms of cooling
- Excellent air quality, as long as it’s properly maintained
If air conditioning is right for you, get it installed before the height of summer. You want it in place before the heat kicks in, not least because installers get very busy during heatwaves.
For a free quote or to find out more about our air conditioning installation service, get in touch on 0141 773 3355.