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What are the Most Common Myths About Air Conditioning?

What are the Most Common Myths About Air Conditioning?

Busting Air Conditioning MythsMyths about air conditioning are rife – we hear them all the time.

They lead not only to negative impressions about the technology but also affect people’s purchasing decisions.

Here we bust some of the most common myths about air conditioning, starting with the most prominent.

Air Conditioning is Only for Keeping Cool

When we think about air conditioning in Scotland, it’s usually when we’re in a crowded room, working out at the gym or booking a foreign holiday. We associate it with keeping cool.

In general, the air conditioning industry perpetuates this myth, with most companies using a variant of the word ‘cool’ in slogans and brand names.

However, what most people don’t realise is that air conditioning provides heating as well as cooling. It can be just as useful in the winter as it is in the summer.

Those shops that blast you with cold air when it’s sweltering outside use the same systems to keep you warm throughout the rest of the year.

Air conditioning is often the most efficient way to manage your building’s temperature, whatever the weather.

Air Conditioning is Bad for the Environment

While global air conditioning use is damaging the environment, the technology itself is increasingly environmentally friendly.

Most modern air conditioning systems are rated at least A for energy efficiency and no longer depend on ozone-depleting refrigerants.

In the UK, where the climate is relatively mild, air conditioning can be extremely efficient if you use it in the right way.

Building-wide HVAC systems enable businesses to make huge savings on their energy bills and drastically reduce their carbon emissions. Even in smaller spaces, air conditioning is normally better for the environment than electric heaters and fans.

Cleaning Your Filters Regularly is a Waste of Time

You should clean your air conditioning filters at least once a month, or every three months for central air conditioning.

It’s hard to overestimate how important clean filters are to your system’s performance.

If they get dirty, your units have to work much harder to push clean air through the dust and grime. Your energy bills go up, while your building’s climate and air quality deteriorate.

Most air conditioning filters are removable and washable, so it’s just a case of making sure you do it on a regular basis. If you’re unsure how to go about it, get in touch with your installer.

Routine Maintenance is Expensive and Unnecessary

While your air conditioning might seem to be running smoothly, you can guarantee that problems will develop if you don’t get it maintained.

It might have hidden problems like low refrigerant levels or dirty filters, which can quickly escalate into serious issues.

If your system breaks down, repairs and call outs can be very expensive. And, if you don’t have a maintenance contract, you won’t be able to claim anything through your manufacturer’s warranty.

Air conditioning also loses around 5% efficiency for every year it goes without maintenance. This makes the system less effective and pushes up your running costs.

Routine maintenance has been proven to save you money. You can’t afford to go without it.

Ceiling Fans Cool Your House

Having a ceiling fan on doesn’t cool the air – it only moves it around. In fact, the motor generates heat, leading to a slight rise in air temperature.

Ceiling fans make you feel cooler due to the wind chill factor, caused by the movement of air against your skin. It’s only worth putting it on if you’re in the room.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. If your home struggles with air circulation, a ceiling fan can help move cooler air into warmer areas, distributing the heat more evenly.

And if you place a fan next to an open window, it can draw the cool outdoor air into the room.